Other Roles
Chair-elect, Scientific Committee of the Global Fragility Fracture Network
Member of the Royal Osteoporosis Society’s Research and Innovations Grant panel
Fellow of the UK Young Academy
Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe
BSc DipStat, PhD, fHEA, mCSP
Professor Sheehan is a physiotherapist and health services researcher. Her research focuses on improving access to and delivery of quality rehabilitation to optimise outcomes of bone and joint illness/injury. She has a strong track record in secondary analysis of linked audit data, qualitative interview studies, and complex intervention development to meet this focus.
Professor Sheehan is available for predoctoral, doctoral and postdoctoral supervision in the fields of bone and joint health, rehabilitation, and health services research.
Professor Sheehan has published over 65 peer-reviewed journal articles and been awarded more than £2.4 million as lead in grant funding from UKRI, NIHR, and charities for her reserach. Her teams work on early mobility and access to physiotheraphy after hip fracture surgery has informed quality improvement initiatives both nationally and internationally. Her subsequent work led to the development of the ‘Stratify-Hip’ algorithm to risk stratify patients after hip fracture. This algorithm is now being used to inform a stratified approach to rehabilitation within the UK’s National Health Service.
Professor Sheehan facilitated the establishment of TROOP (Trauma Rehabilitation (orthopaedic) for Older People), a Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement Group whose mission is to support patient and carer informed research to improve the lives of older people who have experienced orthopaedic trauma.
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Rehabilitation after hip fracture: the Stratify-Hip trial
Structured Tailored Rehabilitation After Hip Fragility Fracture: The ‘STRATIFY-HIP’ Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial BackgroundGlobally, an estimated 4.5 million people will fracture their hip in 2050. Even with surgery, 30% of patients die within a year. Among...
Outdoor Mobility After Hip Fracture: A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial (OUTDOOR)
Outdoor Mobility After Hip Fracture: A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial BackgroundUK hospitals admit 70,000 older adults with hip fracture annually. Patients consider recovery as a return to prefracture activities often requiring outdoor mobility. Among 74% of...
Development and validation of multivariable prediction models for in-hospital death, 30-day death, and change in residence after hip fracture surgery, and the ‘stratify-hip’ algorithm.
Goubar A, Martin F, Sackley C, Foster N, Ayis S, Gregson C, Cameron ID, Walsh N, and Sheehan KJ.
Discharge after hip fracture surgery by mobilisation timing: secondary analysis of the UK National Hip Fracture Database.
Sheehan KJ, Goubar A, Almilaji O, Martin FC, Potter C, Jones GD, Sackley C, Ayis S.
Inequity in rehabilitation interventions after hip fracture: a systematic review.
Sheehan KJ, Fitzgerald L, Hatherley S, Potter C, Ayis S, Martin FC, Gregson CL, Cameron ID, Beaupre LA, Wyatt D, Milton-Cole R.
Physiotherapists’ perspectives of barriers and facilitators to effective community provision after hip fracture: A qualitative study in England.
Adams J, Jones G, Sadler E, Guerra S, Sobolev B, Sackley C, Sheehan KJ.
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